October... a time filled with Spooky & Scary things... and the perfect time for our CCIA"Horror Story Night"!
Join us on Zoom - check CCIA's website for details Horror Stories are nothing new for Real Estate Investors. However now they include:
Cyber Crimes
Government Sponsored or Assisted Theft
And a variety of other fraudulent activities that have necessitated a change in the way we operate our businesses and personal lives.
This past month I have heard of no less than three instances offraud,title theft, andbank account issues due to identity theft. In addition, there are regular news reports warning of fraudulent rental listings(See Article Below).
Several CCIA Members and friends will be sharing their stories and lessons learned. If you have a cautionary tale to add to the mix, please let us know ahead of time and be prepared to give us a brief overview, along with your suggestions for how people can avoid similar problems or deal with the aftermath.
Join usand learn how to protect yourself. We will be discussing:
Title Theft– what it is and how can you minimize the risk
Theft from Bank Accounts– vulnerabilities, rights, and recovery
Squatters– They move in, how can you get them out
Fraudulent Rental Ads– for your property, what can you do to minimize it
Liens– Is someone clouding your title with no grounds?