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One of the hardest jobs in running a member focused real estate investors association is staying member focused. It is so easy to get bogged down in the details of organizing and running an event you might lose touch with what your members want to see and hear.

February is member appreciation month. Our goal is to sever our members and answer their questions appropriately. What can we do for you? Your input would be greatly appreciated.

Illinois REIA continues to grow with members in Belleville, Saint Louis, Springfield and Carbondale. Your feedback is needed as we serve this large and diverse community.

The Springfield Area Landlord’s Association is our newest affiliate member. They are now able to receive all of the benefits of the National Real Estate Investors Association but will be receiving this newsletter as well. Our congratulations go out to their board members on making this great step and we look forward to providing them with all the benefits they can handle. They may also insert a page in this newsletter to cover their events and actions in the Springfield area.

In January I was the guest speaker at the Alton Rental Property Owner’s Association and we are opening the discussion for their group to join us as well. Their president Sue Williams is a real workhorse for that group.

We are looking to start holding meetings in the Marion / Carbondale area as well. If you know of anyone in the area that would enjoy the fellowship and networking our membership can bring please give them my e-mail address George@ILREIA.Com or my phone number 618-233-8300.

See you at our next meeting.

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